Production at Chester Little Theatre Production at Chester Little Theatre Production at Chester Little Theatre Production at Chester Little Theatre Production at Chester Little Theatre Production at Chester Little Theatre Production at Chester Little Theatre Production at Chester Little Theatre Production at Chester Little Theatre Production at Chester Little Theatre Production at Chester Little Theatre

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Chester’s longest running theatre

We run a full and exciting programme of plays in our Liz Stafford Auditorium and the Salisbury Studio. As well as our audience,
we welcome people who wish to get actively involved in all aspects of live theatre. Find out more about us

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More auditions for Translations by Brian Friel

We had a very good turn-out for auditions for Translations and have nearly cast the play.  But we are short of...

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AUDITIONS COMING UP:  Translations by Brian Friel

AUDITIONS COMING UP: Translations by Brian Friel

Our November play by the highly regarded Irish playwright of Dancing at Lughnasa and Philadelphia Here I Come! READING...

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Stephen Cain Photography

Photographs provided by Stephen Cain Photography