Made for Me - written and directed by Andy Fox-Hutchings
To be performed in the Salisbury Studio
Re-imagining Mary Shelley's Frankenstein for the modern era, Made For Me tells two distinct but intertwined stories about two people with very different ideas about their relationship and the people they meet on their journeys. The diverse and strange people they meet pushes them both to question not just their understanding of their relationship, but their understanding of themselves and their place in the universe.
The Creator is a lonely but brilliant young man who has used his knowledge of the sciences to create a perfect partner for himself, but when his creation disappears soon after being brought to life he abandons his other work to find them and safely bring them home no matter what.
Reading: Tuesday, 3 December at 7.30 pm
Auditions: Thursday, 5 December at 7.30 pm
Performance dates: 24, 25 and 26 April 2025
The Creator (M) - A brilliant scientist who has managed to create life but who doesn't understand what he's created or how it sees him. The play takes a deep dive into the relationships and psychology of someone who is possessive about their relationships and doesn't see how their actions could be interpreted from the outside.
The Creature (F) - A newly formed life who is on the run from the strange man they met when they were created. The play takes a deep dive into the journey of someone discovering themselves after escaping a relationship that defined them by the needs of someone else.
The Friend (M)- An estranged long time friend of the Creator who they reconnect with in the days after the Creature escapes in order to seek comfort. Their terse reunion brings up insecurities that both men have.
The Witness (M) - Someone cornered by the Creator having recently interacted with the Creature, they sense something is off about what the Creator is telling them but don't want to get dragged into something messy.
The Stranger (M) - A stranger at a bar that the Creator tries to get the sympathy of by lying and misleading about their relationship with the Creature. Uninterested in the Creator's problems, they don't question the version of events they're being told.
The Cabbie (M) - A cab driver who was supposed to be taking the Creator to where the Creature is hiding, but their car broke down on the way. As they await rescue, the Cabbie starts to see through the story that the Creator has been telling people.
The Blind (F) - A blind woman who finds the Creature hiding in her home barely able to talk and offers her shelter, interpreting the scars on the Creature's body as a result of abuse.
The Nurse (F) - A young nurse that the Creature stays with after being introduced by the Blind. The Nurse is focused on helping the Creature physically recover and doesn't want to push her too hard about her past.
The Runaway (F) - A homeless woman the Creature meets after narrowly evading the Creator. Mistrustful of others, she reluctantly gives the Creature advice for surviving below the radar.
The Mother (F) - A grieving mother the Creature meets years later who recognises the Creature's face. As the two tentatively talk, the Creature learns about herself and her Creator from an unusual perspective and must decide whether to challenge it or not.
This piece only requires 6 performers as the roles will be doubled as follows;
Performer 1 - The Creator
Performer 2 - The Friend & The Witness
Performer 3 - The Stranger & The Cabbie
Performer 4 - The Creature
Performer 5 - The Blind & The Mother
Performer 6 - The Nurse & The Runaway