Glut! by Jan Bengree. Director Lisa Miller - a Salisbury Studio Production

29/11/21Glut! by Jan Bengree.  Director Lisa Miller - a Salisbury Studio Production

Glut! is set in the 1920's in the aftermath of WW1 and explores one of the lesser known fall-outs of the Great War:  the dearth of eligible young men for all the eligible young ladies of the 20's - a glut of women and an absence of men.   At first this might seem not quite tragic enough to merit interest, but the ‘glut’ resulted in a generation of women who were uniquely challenged in their pursuit of love, marriage, motherhood and meaning, in an age when traditionally, women didn’t have careers. 

This play by Jan Bengree explores both the comedy and the tragedy of this situation. There is music, dance and even a smattering of mystery thrown into this artful dissection of family life a century ago.

Despite its name, the play will require men (those elusive beasts of the day). It will also require a crew (Wardrobe, Sound and Lights) to recreate the look, sound and feel of a middle class roaring 20’s. 

Dates of performance:  Thursday 21, Friday 22 and Saturday 23 April, 2022.  Please go to Auditions to find out more about the cast and crew required.